Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to convert all eps files to pdf in a directory

If you just want to convert a single file, you can use epstopdf <file>
as described here

Sometimes I need to convert all the eps files to pdf, for instance because I use latexpdf and I have all the images in eps. Here is a short linux bash script that does the job.

for file in *.eps
  epstopdf $file

This I have in a script file in the path. Don't forget to install the ghostscript package to be able to use epstopdf command.

Or another solution is using the find command:

 $ find . -name "*.eps" -exec epstopdf {} \;

as described in  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/using-multiple-epstopdf-command-854618/

Monday, April 1, 2013

How to write the set of real numbers

For an n dimensional vector I use
Do not forget to include the amssymb or amsfonts package
Similarly \mathbb{Z} for integer, \mathbb{N} for natural and \mathbb{C} for complex and so on...