Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How to write nice equations in LaTeX beamer

The equations in the default beamer presentation slides are rather unattractive.
In my opinion this is merely because of the fonts used for equations.

You can change it by changing the font-theme for equations.


 This will result equations like in the articles in your beamer presentation.

For further hints check out this post.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Horizontal distances in equations

I was wondering for a while how to set the horizontal distances inside the equations.
Well, here is a fairly goo description. See the original source here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ever wondered about how to set the font sizes you want? Here is a picture that explains all \small \tiny \scriptsize \large \huge etc sizes

See source and complete description here

Friday, January 16, 2015

Placing a figure here, I said right here!

 Sometimes the LaTeX engine decides not to insert the figure exactly where we want, and we want it right there. Well [h] or [h!] were the options I have tried so far, but they do not work well all the time, however if the figure is inserted with [H] option, the engine will not decide differently, even if next page or other things would ruin the layout, so I suggest to use
For more info you might check here.